Rev Dr Nick Needham


Rev Dr Nick NeedhamRev Dr Nick Needham is a Baptist minister from London. He holds the degrees of BD and PhD from the University of Edinburgh. Nick joined the teaching staff of HTC in 1999. Since 2004 he has also been the minister of Inverness Reformed Baptist Church. He has taught in Scotland at Edinburgh University and the Scottish Baptist College, and also in Africa.

Nick has published a number of books, the first two of which were in the area of Scottish Church History. His chief publishing project is a general church history series entitled 2,000 Years of Christ's Power. The first three volumes cover the early church fathers, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance and Reformation. Volume four, ‘The Age of Religious Conflict’, was published in 2016. Watch a video of the book launch.

Other publications include:

  • The Mystical Presence by John W. Nevin (Volume One in The Mercersburg Theology Study Series, ed. Linden J. DeBie and W. Bradford Littlejohn, Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock 2012), general advisor.
  • Children and the Lord’s Supper (ed. Guy Waters and Ligon Duncan, Fearn: Mentor Christian Focus 2011), chapter 6, ‘Children at the Lord’s Table in the Patristic Era’.
  • Justification in Perspective (ed. Bruce McCormack, Baker Academic Press 2006), chapter 2, ‘Justification in the Early Church Fathers’.
  • The Westminster Confession into the 21st Century: Vol.2 (ed. Ligon Duncan, Fearn: Mentor, Christian Focus 2005), chapter 9, ‘Westminster and Worship: Psalms, Hymns, and Musical instruments’.
  • Give Praise to God: A Vision for Reforming Worship (Phillipsburg: Presbyterian & Reformed, 2004), chapter 16, ‘Worship Through The Ages’.
  • Evangelicalism and the Orthodox Church (Carlisle: Paternoster 2001), chapter 7, ‘The Church’.

Dr Needham is part-time lecturer in church history at HTC.

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