Christian Theology Access

What is special about this course?

This course is for anyone who wants to study the Christian faith, either for interest only or as an entry route in to studying Theology at degree level.

It is also a popular course for those wishing to study the Christian faith prior to degree studies in another discipline.

This course is run in association with UHI Outer Hebrides.

Entry requirements

No formal qualifications are required for entrance into the course.  This makes it a popular course for those wishing to study Theology as a leisure class.  Also it is particularly suitable for those who do not yet have the necessary qualifications for commencing studies at degree level.

The Access Course has two main functions: 1) as an entry course before embarking on the BA programme, and 2) as a stand-alone course for anyone who wants to study the Christian faith but not at degree-level. Many have studied Access just for their own interest, without the intention of progressing to further theological studies.

  • For anyone who wants to study the Christian faith. Suitable for those new to the faith and those who are long-established in the faith.
  • No formal qualifications are required for entrance onto the course. Particularly suitable for those wishing to study the Christian faith but who do not have the necessary qualifications for entry to HTC’s BA Theological Studies degree. Other institutions may also recognise this course as an appropriate entry qualification to degree level courses in theology or other disciplines.
  • Age is no barrier – previous Access students have included school-leavers, pensioners, and all ages in between.
  • Great for school-leavers who wish to take a year out before going to university.
  • Work at your own pace. Complete the whole course successfully within two years to gain the ‘Certificate of Access in Christian Theology’ (you will then be eligible to apply for our BA in Theological Studies degree, if you wish) or if you take more than two years you will gain the ‘Certificate of Completion’.
  • Available in distance learning modes.
  • Six modules, each comprising 15 units. Each unit takes about 7 hours to complete.
  • You don’t have to study all the modules. If you want, you can choose individual module(s) without committing to studying the whole Access Course.

For those studying by distance learning, a pack of materials clearly details how to proceed through the course. The reading for each unit is carefully set out, and students will be guided through a set of activities and instructed when to return written work to their tutor. Personal tutorial support is available to all students, and there is the opportunity to meet with other students at regular Conference Days.


  • Introduction to Studying Theology
  • Old Testament Overview
  • Systematic Theology
  • New Testament Overview
  • History of Christianity
  • Pastoral Theology

How will I study my course?

  • Part Time

Distance learning students are assigned a tutor when they start their first module. You will receive personal tutorial support, plus have the opportunity to meet with other students at twice-yearly conference days, or by video conferencing where appropriate.

How long will my course last?

  • Part time: you can take as long as you like if you are studying for interest only. If you require the Access qualification as an entry route to the BA degree programme you must complete the course within two years.

Where can I study my course?

    Start date

    • On-campus: September 2022
    • Distance learning: start any time and work through the modules one at a time, at your own pace
    • Download an application form.


    Most full-time students will have their fees paid and students on part-time courses may also be eligible to have their course fees waived. Contact the Finance Officer for more details.

    Module fees are:

    • Scottish resident - £160
    • RUK ('rest of UK' outwith Scotland) - £230
    • International - £250

    What can I do on completion of my course?

    Many students study Access just out of interest but find that the course helps them in their personal faith as well as in church discussion groups and bible study.

    Others have used the knowledge and experienced gained from the course to go on to various forms of Christian work including youth work and missionary societies.

    The Access Certificate is also useful as an entry route onto the BA (Hons) Theological Studies programme.

    Is there more information available online?

    QR Code - scan to visit course page

    You can use the above QR code to connect directly to the course details.

    Apply for Christian Theology Access

    If you are interested in this course please contact student records and admissions on 01349 780000

    We are delighted that you are thinking about studying at HTC. HTC operates a fair and open admissions system committed to equality of opportunity and non-discrimination. We consider all applications on merit and on the basis of ability to achieve, without discrimination on grounds of age, disability, gender identity, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity status, race, religion and/or belief, sex, sexual orientation or socio-economic background. We welcome applications from all prospective students and aim to provide appropriate and efficient services to students with disabilities.