Averse to the Church? Modern Gaelic poets and the Christian faith- Donald Meek

We're delighted to welcome Donald Meek to our next virtual postgraduate seminar on Tuesday 13th December. We're inviting anyone interested to join us at 1pm via Webex, to hear Donald speak, and to participate in the seminar.

Donald E. Meek, a native of the Inner Hebridean island of Tiree, was Professor of Scottish and Gaelic Studies at the University of Edinburgh. He was previously Professor of Celtic at the University of Aberdeen from 1993 to 2001. He has written many articles and has edited numerous books, among them Tuath is Tighearna: Tenants and Landlords (1995).

He'll be joining us to discuss the topic of Modern Gaelic Poets (non-traditional) and the Christian Faith.

Joining Instructions

Anyone interested is welcome to join us, the event will take place via Webex. Please use the button below to join.